How I confirmed my pregnancy? The Emotional Day of my Life.
Beautiful people out there, hope you guys are doing well.
today I am going to share my story that how I found out I am pregnant, well now you may think what's the story to tell about this, "you missed period" you do home pregnancy test , and you will know that you are pregnant.
well this may happen with many women but not in my case.
I have more things to say about it.
Finding out that you are pregnant is most beautiful thing, and it get more beautiful if you are waiting for this day for 2 years.
I am sharing my stories specially for those women who are not able to conceive and losing their hope day by day.
trust me when I say I know the pain, when you get your periods every month, that is the most heartbreaking time.
I was in a verge of losing all my hope, but then this magic happened.
it all started on 2020 lockdown I was very frustrated of my situation, in March we came to Chennai to visit my in laws, it was only one week trip but sudden the lockdown happened, we had no choice but to stay here.
we were stuck like many other people, I was stressed. slowly 2 months passed but still lockdown was going onn, on 24th May I missed my period. being a PCOS patient this is very normal for me, so I thought, in a week or so I will get my periods and I didn't thought about it much, as missing exact date happen a lot with me a earlier.
I don't even think of doing home pregnancy test, as whenever I did earlier the negative result broke me from inside & out, and I went to depressive mode.
after one week I felt cramps on my stomach, I always feel cramps before my period arrive, so I thought in just few days my periods will arrive.
on 7th June 2020 I suddenly felt dizziness, nausea and headache.
I ignored, next day vomiting started and I thought I got my migraine back, as these symptoms are common in migraine.
few days went by and my symptom started increasing, I started vomiting 4-5 times in a day, I was not able to keep water in my stomach. I was throwing up everything.
at that time all the local clinics are closed due to corona, I thought of doing home remedy like having electral water, salt sugar water etc.
when my mum heard about my condition she asked about my last period date, and she told me, I may be pregnant.
but I was not ready for any kind of false hope, so I told her it is not possible, and I am getting my period cramps, and my period can come any day, I may got food poisoned.
on 12th June my condition got more serious, I was cooking and the smell of RAW ginger garlic paste made we vomit immediately, I was looking pale and very sick.
so my husband told me that we will go to doctor no matter what, he was trying to convince me to visit doctor for past one week, but due to corona I was not ready to go any hospital. but that day I was shivering like hell and I agreed to visit doctor.
then I told my husband to bring pregnancy test kit, coz I know the fact whether I am pregnant or not, doctor will ask to check that first so they can go ahead with another treatment, it happened with me before.
on 12th June it self he bought the kit, so I can do the test next day morning.
13 June 2020 was Saturday I didn't slept all night because somewhere I was praying for positive result.
I was awake full night and when I saw time on my phone that it's a 4 a.m. in the morning, I went to washroom to test and waited, Just in 2 minutes I saw two pink lines
I didn't believe myself, I thought I was hallucinating.
before this I almost tested a dozen time, and every time it will be one negative line. but this time I saw two beautiful pink lines.
I woke my husband up and told him to see the lines, I asked him, how many lines you can see? he doesn't believe in his eyes as well, he rubbed his eyes twice, then he switched on the light, and he is like "did you draw the lines with pen"? and my reaction "I know I am desperate to conceive, but I am not delusional",
He told me, few kits can be faulty, I will bring one more.
he was too scared to be happy , and he know how devestating for me it is, if it was not real.
on 13 June he bought two more kits for different pharmacy, I couldn't wait for the next day nor he can,
so on 13th June Saturday night we tested again & volla two pink lines, but we are not excited yet,
we tested the third kit on the 14 June morning and that also positive.
He told me to be careful, as the next day was Sunday and most of nearby gynaecologist clinics are closed.
he somehow found out one gynecologist clinic who are open & only allowing pregnant woman inside. we got appointment on Monday, we didn't tell any one about the home pregnancy test, and
on Monday we went to doctor, we showed hsr 3 kit results, & doctor told me to wait, she told me they will to scan which is called "Dating scan" to know exact result, I waited for 3 hours at clinic, alone.
every second I was praying for positive result, then scan happen , she told me I am "7 weeks pregnant", I am like OMG this really?
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I was 15 week pregnant in this picture. |
I called my husband, so he can hear the news from doctor. we did all the checkup came home, and decided to tell his mum & dad.
I called my mom & gave her the news & she was like "I knew from the beginning" , she was crying over joy ( well mom's know everything š )
that was very emotional movement for everyone.
as i conceived exactly four years of our marriage, everyone is happy.
But we were very cautious, because we didn't want anything wrong.
on 16th June 2020, we got the best news of our life.
yes WE ARE PREGNANT, magic do happened, you just need to keep your Believe and Hope.
But this story dosent end here, this is just the beginning, stay tuned to know what happened next ,
I am gonna share my pregnancy journey with you guys, you will find out pregnancy is not what they show in movies, there is many unknowns facts that a woman should know.
To all my struggle & new discoveries about pregnancy,
Stay tuned for my next blog.
Keep ur zeal going on .it makes us happy n connected.
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